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Astrology Rocked my World 🌎🪐


Updated: Oct 31, 2022

The Astrology Never Lies

I’ve heard that so often in the last year.

I was in a challenging place a year ago, my family shell shocked as we lost loved ones taken far too young. What did it all mean? I couldn't process it, this pain couldn't be all there was. I needed answers and I had to search. My Lunar sensitive cat was already bringing me back in line with the natural calendar. I found spiritual ways to connect, ground and step into my own power. However, nothing sent me reeling like the feeling of trying to unravel my own birth chart online. I don’t recommend it! There are multiple sources of Astrological content online, not all sourced from professionals and I’ve since understood not all accurate. It was me though, my life laid bare. Thoughts and feelings I hadn’t even acknowledged to myself. All my pain, but with no compassion or empathy to soften the impact of the stark words on the screen. It became a process that I returned to. I couldn't stop, however hard it was. I signed up for a beginners course, I just had to learn more, how does this magic work? How do I understand and process it all? Is there a hierarchy for so much information? How do I put the puzzle together?

The Beginners Course didn’t fully answer my questions, but there was enough to take in for now. I followed Astrologers on Social Media and continued to look at my chart. There is lots of free content online to start you on your path, but nothing beats the one to one interaction talking about YOUR chart. Having the complex information explained in the way that is needed by you as an individual, meeting your needs at that moment in time. Then my moment came, a free Webinar from Rebecca Gordon in New York. I had no intention of signing up, it was too advanced for me....but I was drawn in……Intermediate Predictive Astrology, this is really happening, so exciting. I found out during the course that the first week of class was the date of my Progressed Moon Return, the beginning of a new evolutionary 29/30 year cycle, the Universe couldn’t be more clear that I was exactly where I was meant to be, and that I was staying! There are so many other signs in my chart, I now know I was born to be a healer so it’s time to embrace that part of me rather than push it to one side. I previously studied Reiki, Reflexolgy, Crystal Healing, I integrated them, maybe ready for this moment. It’s who I am, my birthright. I know if I throw myself in with a pure heart, the Universe will support me. I am finally in the natural flow and it feels so easy and natural.

Gift List

I am setting up a Gift List for those who may wish to donate readings or Moon Circle membership to those who are Chronically ill and can’t afford it. I will be matching donations with my time (ie always 50% discount).

This is the best way I can think of to give back to the Universe and give access to Astrology to those most in need of its healing potential.

If you are chronically ill or disabled and cannot afford the Circle or a reading, please join as a Member and use the contact form to provide a brief summary of your circumstances to be added to the Gift List. I will notify you when you reach the top of the list and a donation is available to you. I would ask for honesty and integrity so that donations go to those for whom it is intended.

I thank from the bottom of my heart those pure souls willing to pay it forward and make donations. I hope they will make a significant difference to the life of your Gift List beneficiary.

Astrology has rocked my world. My soul is singing as I dance with the energy (metaphorically) now. Can it do the same for you? Visit my website to see how I can help.

Please sign up as a Member on Wix Spaces to keep receiving news and offers from Celestia Astrology.

With Universal Love, Sonia, Astrologer & Coach

In loving memory of Anne, John, Michael, John, Vee and Patrick, R.I.P

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