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November 23 New Moon in Sagittarius

It is a great time to align with the current planetary energy as the Sun and Moon join Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius. Set your intentions for the New Moon to maximise the expansive, adventurous and playful, fiery energy. It is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts, so set intentions for whatever you wish to bring fresh energy to in your life.

Enjoy the combined energy of the Inner reflections of the New Moon, the warmth of the Sagittarius Sun, beauty and harmony from Venus and quick intellect and humour from Mercury. The New Moon is positively linked to lucky, expansive Jupiter. Adventurous, playful, activities which broaden your horizons have the planetary thumbs up. The Sun is also in a lucky trine to Jupiter, we won’t see another for 10 months, so maximise any opportunities the fates bring your way this New Moon. Breathe in and align with this energy and use it positively in your life. Listen to my AstroMindfulness Exercise to help.

If you want to get into specifics about where this energy lands in your personal chart, and how you can navigate it, consult an Astrologer.

Natal and Predictive readings, Personal Mindfulness recordings and Mindfulness Coaching are available from


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