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The Courage to Seek Your Heart's Desire? Astrology of the Leo New Moon: 4 August 2024

The New Moon in Leo on August 4:

On August 4th, the New Moon will occur at 12 degrees in Leo, at 12.13 pm BST and 1.13 UT. marking a symbolic ending and new beginning in the lunar cycle and a corresponding opportunity for fresh starts and new beginnings for us.

The Nature of New Moons

A new moon occurs when the moon and sun align in the same sign, initiating a new lunar cycle. This symbolises the birth of a new phase, the moon will not be visible from Earth due to its position, and in every planet’s cycle, this meeting with the Sun signifies a purification, rebirth and reset. The darkness of the new moon phase represents a blank slate, a time to set intentions, initiate new projects or goals, and embark on new journeys. We hope that they will grow as the Moon waxes fuller.

Lunar Cycles: Monthly, Biannual, and Beyond

The lunar cycle spans approximately 28 days, moving through various identifiable phases from the New Moon, waxing to Full Moon and then waning back. However, the New Moon's influence extends beyond this monthly cycle.

There is a six-month cycle between a New Moon and the corresponding Full Moon in the same sign, in this case Leo, which will be on 12 February 2025 which completes an arc of growth and culmination.

Astrologer Dietrich Pessin's concept of the Moon Family in "Lunar Shadows III" illustrates an even longer, approximately 28-month cycle. This cycle for this Leo New Moon includes the New Moon on 4 August 2024 at 12 degrees, first quarter Moon on 4 May 2025 at 14 degrees of Leo, Full Moon on 1 February 2026 at 13 degrees, and last quarter Moon on 1 November 2026 at 9 degrees of Leo. These phases, all occur near the same degree. This extended cycle allows for a deeper progression and unfolding of the themes initiated at the new moon. If this New Moon aspects planets in your chart, it is worth tracking these dates or if you notice significant new beginnings within the next two weeks.


The New Moon in Leo: Significance and Symbolism

Leo, ruled by the Sun, who is in its home domicile as it meets with our other Luminary and Light the Moon, is associated with leadership, self-expression, courage, and authenticity. Here's how this New Moon can help in seeking your heart's desire:

  • Leo is a sign known for its artistic flair and desire to shine authentically. The New Moon in Leo is an ideal time to embrace and express your creative talents. Whether it's through art, performance, or personal projects, this period encourages you to put your heart into your work and let your unique light shine.

  • Leo is symbolised by the lion, known for its bravery and confidence. During the New Moon in Leo, you may find it easier to tap into your inner strength and take bold steps toward your goals. This is a time to act courageously and confidently in pursuit of what you truly desire, or to connect and identify your vulnerabilities.

  • Leo is a fiery sign that thrives on joy and passion. The New Moon in Leo invites you to identify and pursue what makes you truly happy. It offers you the opportunity to tune into your Heart’s desire. It’s a time to focus on activities and goals that bring you genuine pleasure and fulfilment.

Decan: Leo II

The new moon in Leo falls within the second decan, or ten-degree segment, of the sign, which is ruled by Jupiter in both the Chaldean and Triplicity methods. Whenever there is a double rulership, there is a concentration of the planetary focus, so we see the benefic energy of Jupiter being very significant here.

This decan is referred to as the "Crown of Laurel" by astrologer Austin Coppock, and Kira Ryberg calls it "Visibility." The Wild Way Oracle Deck by

titles this Decan Victory. The keywords are fame and glory, good fortune, and powerful luck.

The Wild Way Leo II Lynx has “made it to the top, the crowd is cheering, revel in success, take time to celebrate your achievements and enjoy the applause.  Taking care not to become boastful or too proud ensures your victory will continue to uplift those around you. The applause eventually dies down, the wheel of fortune turns, and enjoy your moment.”

In her book Dreaming The Decans, T Susan Chang writes about Leo II

“…Let the Wheel of Fortune spin. At its zenith, I shall win.

Fortune’s favourite, call me bold Spinning legends into gold….”

Tarot Correspondence: The Six of Wands

In the Tarot, the second decan of Leo corresponds to the Six of Wands, also known as the "Lord of Victory." This card depicts triumph, public recognition, and success after struggle. It reinforces the notion that this new moon heralds a time of achievement, good fortune and luck.

Leo: Solar Figures

Leo is a fire sign, characterised by its fixed, stable nature and yang, or masculine outward-directed energy. Ruled by the Sun, Leo embodies qualities of leadership, authenticity and heart centred self-expression. It is also the place of Saturn's exile, indicating a challenging yet potentially rewarding environment for disciplined effort and perseverance.

We often see the Solar figures such as Kings or Leaders in society represented by Leo, as the Central focus responsible for maintaining the metaphorical Light of Summer, even as we know it is fading and must transform as the seasons change.

Aspects of the New Moon in Leo

The aspects surrounding this new moon offer us more insight into this New Moon:

  • Co-present with Benefic Venus: Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony, is also in Leo and is now out from under the beams of the sun. This means she is fully expressed and can be seen by us as an Evening Star in the night sky. She holds a new story and message for us, which this New Moon translates. We have recently seen the emergence of the story of a “Brat Summer” and maybe this is how Venus will now express herself. This adds a benefic renewal to the energy of the new moon, bringing in Venusian themes of relationships, creativity, peace and joy when acted from the heart.

  • Sextile Jupiter and Mars in Mutable Gemini: The sextile aspect to Jupiter and Mars in Gemini brings opportunities with dynamic and expansive energy. Jupiter offers more benefic energy of optimism, wisdom and growth opportunities, while Mars provides the drive and passion to pursue new endeavours. Mars asks us to choose, choices can involve a sacrifice of the option we have decided against. This is difficult for mutable Gemini who wants to explore all the options, all at once.

  • Whole Sign Square to Uranus: Uranus in Taurus brings an element of unexpected change and innovation. Uranus can be known as The Awakener, it can challenge us with new insights or calls to freedom. The square aspect, which is the nature of Mars, suggests potential challenges that require action and a willingness to break free from old patterns. Uranus is slow moving and is still at the degree of the binary star Algol. Guard against unnecessary risks or losing your head at this time.

  • Sextile South Node and Trine North Node: The supportive sextile to the South Node in Libra and trine to the North Node in Aries indicate a karmic aspect to the opportunites that may flow from this Lunation.

  • Whole Sign Opposition with Pluto: The opposition to Pluto in Aquarius introduces empowering, transformative tension, encouraging deep introspection and the release of what we have outgrown. This is our first experience of Leo Lunations opposing Pluto in Aquarius so this may feel new and unfamiliar. However, the fixed signs in particular will need to acclimatise, as we will experience this whole sign opposition for the next 20 years as Pluto moves through Aquarius. Taurus and Scorpio will experience a Whole Sign Square and Aquarius has Pluto transiting through their sign.

Who Will Feel It Most?

This new moon will be particularly impactful for those with strong placements in the fixed signs: Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus. Individuals with prominent placements in these signs, such as the sun, moon, or ascendant, may experience significant new beginnings or opportunities for growth.

Additionally, those with strong angular Suns (Sun placements in the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth houses) may also feel the influence of this new moon.

This is a general example as each chart is unique and you would need to consult an astrologer for an individual interpretation. I am happy to answer your questions in the comments or in a personal astrology reading.


The new moon in Leo on August 4 at 12 degrees is a great time for a reset, setting new intentions and embarking on fresh beginnings. If you can, look to reset in the area of your life that the Whole Sign Leo occupies in your own chart and the House that the Sun rules for you. This new moon invites us to celebrate our achievements, connect with our heart’s desires, pursue our passions, and step into the spotlight with confidence. Travel with courage, my friends!


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